Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Trifolk goes blugrass

After mulling it over for 24 hrs, I decided if it wasn't sold out, I was signing up.
I'm goin' to Louisville.

The reasons are simple.
1. Close to home.
2. Lots of CTC folks going.
3. Rob Reddy gave rave reviews.
4. I got in.

I had been mulling over races for a while. IM Wisconsin, Vineman, Chesapeakeman, IM Florida, Great Floridian, or maybe a 101 event.
101 has canceled all races.
Moo and Fla will sell out in minutes again.
Vineman and Chesapeakeman are non IM events. Maybe later, but I love the Ironman party.

Anyhow, I am excited.

Tomorrow europeon vacation.


B Bop said...

Sucka ;-)

Bummer news about the 101 series.

Janet Edwards said...

I was tempted myself...lucky you!