Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Boomerang Bug.

March has been tough on me. I have had a cold, I turned my ankle, and I spent the past week being beat'n down by what I will call a boomerang bug.
It started last week and just kept reappearing every time I thought it was gone.
This bug caused extreme stomach issues and fatigue. My appetite was light. I missed a lot of work outs, and my mood was blue. I know it is a flu bug because Zac and Nichole have suffered the same symptoms.
I made it through my long run Sunday. I was motivated by a new friend name Dane. I know her from AJ Rocco's and offered to help her train for the Cleveland Marathon. I did this with Sheila last year. The trade off is experiance for enthusiasm. It helps. Sunday, Dane really pulled me for 2:20.
I took advantage of the good weather mid week by spending some quality time in the saddle. Most of my pool time was spent taking guidance from Steve. Aside from that, I took it easy.
I felt better today. I ate well and I did 2 workouts. I feel normal.
CTC Blogger Jodi had some health issues a month back. She just concluded a monster week of training with few complaints and lots of confidence. So I know if my base training is solid, I have little to worry about. I know it is part of the journey. Just a small bump. I know everything will be fine. But the down time sucks.
Spring starts today and my health has improved.
Let the good times.

One more thing.
B12 is something I need. I was reading Veg*Triathlete's blog and noted that she supplements with it. After a little research I understood why.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I am trying to cut coffee down to 1 small cup a day instead of my usual 67 ounces or so. Wish me luck.


JenC said...

Hope you feel better soon. Something keeps trying to get me, but I'm trying to be elusive. : ) You'll kick it and then come back stronger than ever!

Good luck with the coffee cutback!

B Bop said...

Indeed, some bugs have been passed around lately with the weather changes and all. A winter full of long base mileage certainly makes one succeptible to colds and such. Once you bounce back you'll find you're stronger than ever.

B-12 supplements are a good idea. I took B complex supplements when I was eating a vegan diet and felt they were quite important to my energy level.

Did you know unfiltered beer contains high levels of B vitamins?? A healthy "dosage" may be hard to achieve, however :-)

For preventing colds I've been taking grapefruit seed extract which contains large concentrations of bioflavanoids. I'll supplement with it at the first sign of symptoms or as a preventative after a very draining workout (i.e. the kind that raises body temp.).

There is a way to throw a boomerang so that it doesn't return to you, but I think it's pretty tricky. Good luck!!

Jen said...

What is this about B vitamins in BEER? Whooo-hooo!

GP said...

Hey Charlie! I don't know anyone who has made it through this past winter without getting sick. It was either a rite of passage as a human being or a mean joke.

Get healthy, stay healthy and be well.

Jodi said...

I was just going to ask you if you were getting all your nutrients. There are several nutrients that are low in a vegan diet. There are also several multivitamins specific for vegans. Get one!

I've been a big fan of Airborne. Whenever I feel a cold coming on I drop one of those in a glass of water. Filled with Vitamin C and other bug fighting vitamins and herbs. Not sure if it really works, but it certainly hasn't hurt. Hope you feel back to 100% soon!


Trisaratops said...

Oooooh, this flu is NASTY. A ton of my students have it. Hope you're feeling better soon!