Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why do you'll bike so much?

This morning a whole bunch of multisport nuts headed out to Headlands State Park for a day of training on Lake Erie. The event was hosted by Mickey Rezmic, RD of the Greater Cleveland Triathlon.
I went out with the first group. All dudes. So of course every one was hammering away. About halfway thru the first loop Bbop had a mechanical problem. I hung back with him as the others rode away. I will let him tell you the details in an attempt to get him to post to his blog.
After some time I jumped back in as the group came around on the second loop.
Following the ride, Jack and I added 3.5 on the GCT run course.

The weather was great. Still cold in Cleveland, but sunny. If you are not aware, Cleveland feels as though it is on the north shore of Lake Erie. If the Canadian like temps continue, I am going to demand dual citizenship.

Any how, it was a nice day of training with some good folks.

Cat gave me a ride. As she dropped me off, a young teenager stopped to ask, "Why do you'll bike so much?".
My first instict was to look at the kid cross eyed as I proclaimed "because I have an Ironman to do!"
Well I thought better of this idea and just told him
"It's Freedom".
He shrugged and said "OK".


B Bop said...

Good answer!! It was nice talkin' with you yesterday...too bad it wasn't under different circumstances (like over an ale).

triguyjt said...

the "freedom" response was classic...

better line was the dual citzenship regarding the canadian temps... about as cool as a certain baseball teams bats

JenC said...

I also like "because I can".