Thursday, April 10, 2008

Are we really free?

I finally put up a page for free downloads. The music is from the Beachland Show Feb. 10th. So feel free, download and share. The page is mine. It is not MySpace or another site that wants your personal info. Just free music.

I have been avoiding my TV, as I have been enjoying Southpark, King of the Hill, and TED.COM.
My favotite cartoons are now available on demand through their own web sites. TED.COM is this awesome site I found on Jasper Blakes blog.The site is filled with speeches by some amazing human beings. And it is free!

Here is a video by one of my major personal heros.
"And the eyes of the world are watching now". From his song Biko written back in 1977.
I think it amazing that he has found a way to give the world eyes to monitor injustice. His plan seeks freedom for all.

I live my life relatively free. I have few obstacles that I can not see beyond. My mind enjoys a greater peace then it ever has before. Yet peace and freedom are so fragile.
Sing for freedom.

1 comment:

B Bop said...

I was just introduced to in a class last night.


I recommend this one.