Sunday, September 09, 2007


10 years ago, I was seriously considering a spring marathon(my first). I knew that I would have to find cross training alternatives to my running and add some weight training. I started looking for a gym to join and stopped at a Bally's for some info. The minute I walked into the place I had 3 muscle heads putting the hard sell on me. They were demanding that I take a 3 year membership.

I am an Aquarius. I squirmed, became aloof, and started heading for the door.

"What do you have against commitment?" Shouted the drill Sargent/sales rep with the Joe Piscapo neck.

"I just ended a 3 year relationship with my girlfriend, I am not ready for this!" I replied.

The Bally's rep paused and said "Oh."

I left.

I ended up joining the YMCA at the end of my street an eventually became engaged to the program director.


Today I spent following 2 1st Ironman races. I read a recap of a 1st ultra marathon and a 1st Century. It was clear to me that the four athletes I was following had all made huge commitments to themselves. They have based much of their lifestyle on the commitment they have made to reach their goals. You can not start one of these events, without investing a great amount of time and energy toward these goals.

This morning while stretching the legs out on the towpath for 2 hrs, Dane was comparing her marathon with her bar exams. She said, The big difference is that the process is more important than the result in the marathon. The bar is all about the results."

As mostly recreational athletes, we are afforded this option of just enjoying the process of reaching our goals. We can explore the joy of success and suffer personal defeat with wonder, always knowing that we are learning something knew. No matter what the result of a single race might be, we have gained more than we ever imagined while training for the event. We win before the starting bell is ever rung.

We do not need to win on Sunday to preserve our careers. We just need to make a commitment to start.

Congrats Jack, V3Jen, Matt, and Jayme. Your commitment continues to inspires me.


Jen said...

Yay! Someone called my 97.4 miles a century :-) You know, your post made me realize I haven't been too interested in following professional sports lately; and it's because I'm spending my time rooting for the *real people.* The ones who are balancing jobs and families and relationships with their training & racing. It's pretty exciting.

qcmier said...

Please thank Dane for her thoughts on the bar vs marathon. I will need to file that one away for myself.