Monday, February 26, 2007

Back to the long run

Today marks the start of my phantom marathon training.
I call it a phantom marathon because I have no intension of running a spring marathon.
I will run the Rite Aid half marathon.

My first long run was a planned 2-2:20hr. Ended up with 2:22. Actual running time was more like 2:10. about 12 miles.
My plan was to run from my house to Jack Carney's. If the side walks were accessible it would be 9 miles. today it was 12 uphill miles. The only down hill was over an icy trail at Euclid Creek. That was immediately followed by a steep ice covered uphill. Fun.
I was accompanied by my new 2G Sony MP3 player. 'bout as big as my thumb. Very Cool.
Tough run, but I feel good.

In the pool Steve has been giving me more instruction. I have been doing a lot of drills.
I would rather swim wrong. That is why I have to do so many drills. So that I will swim correctly and enjoy it......I always have to do things my way.......Well my way isn't going to help me in the Ironman, So I have to do drills.
I am done pouting.....

Yesterday the long bike ride was 2:20 while watching the Hulk.
The Hulk was 12 minutes shy of my 2hr and 30 minute ride.
When the Hulk freaks, It is a good time to hammer.
Other wise this film is not very good.

1 comment:

JenC said...

I agree. The Hulk is terrible. It is one of the few Marvel movies I don't own.

Great job on the big workouts!