Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just a head in the crowd (Goals for '08)

As I meditate on my goals for the 2008 season I have to look beyond the numbers and finish times.
But here they are.
2:30 Olympic Distance triathlon. I plan to race Maumee bay again. The course can be fast dependent on the wind conditions.
  • The swim will be without the wetsuit for IMKY practice. I haven't gone without a wetsuit in a while. Swimming in a wave will help with the courage.
  • The Bike will push my ability to stay aero as long as possible.
  • The run has been hot during this race. My main goal will be to keep the body cool. Going at an oly effort and trying to stay cool will help me prepare for the heat in Louisville.
6hr half IM. Steelhead, Mountaineer, Deercreek
  • No wetsuit at mountaineer for the above mentioned IM prep.
  • These (70.3)are training days.
  • Maintain absolute focus.
  • Always push harder/negative splits
  • Nutrition trials
13 hr IM- Louisville
  • I would like to do a 1:15 swim. I feel as though I am having some swim breakthroughs.
  • On the bike, I have to develop more power.
  • My run work will include a speed phase that I largely ignored last year while I continued with base work up till IM
4hr Marathon-Not sure where.
  • Because I can, and should.
My real goals this year are a bit more intro/outrospective. I have to find my motivation. Heading into my first Ironman, my motivation was clear. I had to finish. This year the goal is not as clear. I know I can finish. I am an Ironman. That mystery is solved.

Goals this year involve digging in deeper. Learning how to trust and act on early instincts. I also need to really learn to trust others. I am not as good at it as I was when I was younger. I fear going through the emotional stuff. I am unproductive with drama in my life. It also hurts a lot. I don't like going there, But I need open myself up more to the people around me.

IMUK was a great metaphor for the way I have lived the last 3 years. I have felt relatively isolated and alone during that time. Mostly I have just been licking my wounds, healing and getting stronger. All the while , Zac and Nichole are keeping an eye on me. They are amazing friends.

IMKY will be raced amongst friends. The blog community for this race is big. CTC will be represented by a bunch of us. Steelhead plans for a little vegan feast are on. I am trying to figure out how to book myself to play at the campgrounds for mountaineer. The social calender is filling quickly.

This years goal number one will be in reaching out more to the people in my life in more meaningful ways.

I feel sometimes like a single raindrop falling from the sky.
Solo and alone.
I let the wind push me,
but other than that, I follow my own path...........
Soon I will hit the ocean and join all that is,
Whole, holy hole.
No end, No beginning.
I am fluid within of a never ending ocean
As sound ceases to have any contrast
and light looses it's rhythm,
I loose my sense of self.
we are all interconnected

I am ready to re- join the universe.


E-Speed said...

great post Charlie. I hope 2008 is a good year for you!

Spokane Al said...

Those sound like some worthy goals. I like the goals that demand looking and measuring inward as well as race goals.

B Bop said...

Sounds like you're moving down the path of going faster and getting stronger my friend...

Everytime that wheel turn 'round,
Bound to cover just a little more ground.
-Robert Hunter

tracie said...

as usual charlie, great post! it's great you have personal and race goals for 08. i'm sure you accomplish all that you hope to! :)

triguyjt said...

the sub 2:30 olympic is one that I know you will nail.
Going sub 6 hrs at mountaineer, for you is very doable and of course deer creek is flat so you can kick that one in the a--.
you want to do some power workouts on hills..count me in. those are a great change of pace..
i'm about 2 weeks from swimming. since x-mas is soon, i'll catch up with you just after new years....
hey, you had a super o7.. and 08 will be amazing