Monday, January 15, 2007

Ode to Joy

First off, I have been adding things to the side bar so I can share the boring details of my workouts. I don't get to detailed beyond distance, duration, and random thoughts.
I also found code for a countdown timer. It is set to IMUK.
Last but not least I have added a link to my music sight. Music is a central part of my life and I feel the need to remain connected to my music.
Ironman has my attention right now and I have no regrets about that. Music is playing 2nd fiddle right now and at times I do regret that.
Music has always been my driving force. I chose choir over swim team in high school. I have devoted 20 years to music. I remain first and foremost a musician.
Just like triathlon, every few years I need to step back from music. I don't stop playing, but I don't "PRACTICE". I don't gig often. And when I listen I don't listen like a recording engineer.
During these times I just try to enjoy music. It is very refreshing. When I come back to the professional music world my ears are fresh and excited. My goals become clear. I have fun again.
Last week music showed some blips on my radar:
1. I was offered a new mandolin that I have committed to buying.
2. I was asked to appear in some songwriter circles at local libraries. These are great gigs, they pay well. they happen during the day. I am one of 4 songwriters performing. It is an honor to be asked..and so on.

The job I am hoping for, running an inter-generational media center out of an East Cleveland Charter school is starting to come together...please keep the fingers crossed for me and this job...I get the feeling the position was created for me.

Rob Reddy and I went to the Barking spider to listen to some music on Sat. We plan to try to do this more often.

Two of my favorite songwriters, Lyle Lovette and John Hiatt along with 2 others are doing a songwriters circle at the state theatre next Sat. Tix are $10 bucks...I will not miss this. Still looking for folks to join me. It's gonna be good.

And finally, an anonymous CTC member offered a single ticket to the Cleveland Orchestra performing Beethoven's 9th Symphony. I took the offer, put on my fancy duds and walked down to severance this past Thursday to take in a celebration of the brotherhood of mankind.
The ninth is so powerful culminating into the well known Ode to Joy finale.
I was so excited for this concert and feel so lucky to have stumbled upon this ticket.
It was so nice to hear the orchestra, not as an audio student/intern, but as a music lover.
It was so nice to step away from work and training for an evening.
It was so nice to return to work and training.
I love music....Gotta go, this here mandolin needs playin',

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Good to hear you are still sticking to your music roots!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you with the new job!
