Wednesday, October 01, 2008

My Kona dream is selfish

With one last triathlon this season, I consider not where I have been, but where I would like to go. I am realy trying to figure out what I look to gain from the sport and what kind of goals I should try to work toward.
It would be obvious. I would like to win Kona. I am realistic however and I know that for this to happen , a great disaster would would have to befall all of humanity. Since I can not wish suffering on others, my Kona dream is selfish. I worry also that my hopes for world peace could be the result of much suffering before the world could go on in peace.
In my on going attempt to reduce the harmful impact of my life here on earth, I have created some simple goals for next season.

1. Have lots of fun!
2. Reach out to those who are new to the sport.
3. Continue to search for peace within my self. Be the peace I hope to see.
4. DREAM BIG dream small. Dream , always dream.

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