I was dressed to run in the blizzard if it should return. I had five layers to keep me warm. I had a choice of foot wear and socks. two layers of gloves, Sun glasses and my Nike storm fit suit. I was ready for the worst.
After coffee I caught a bus and headed downtown. The RTA was right on schedule. Zac and Nichole were also right on time. I never had to stay outside for long periods.
As we headed south toward the race I found the car to be quite warm. I also realized that I had forgotten any water. I was parched and overdressed. Whoops.
Just as we did last year, we missed the turn to the race. So just as we did last year we were running late. I ran inside registered took care of bidness and chose my race wear. Road shoes, tights, two layers and a shell.
We hung with Bbop, drank some gateraid, and lined up at the starting line. The start was signald, and we ran.
Mile 1- 8:04
Mile two 16:40 uh-oh
Water table....take it in, walk, don't splash.
I was able to stay within an 8:20 minute mile 'till we hit the hill. Once we hit the hill, I began to really heat up. The group I had been running with began to pull away. I continued to exert a strong steady effort, but I was way to warm
In the second half I ran a coupl of miles with Chris Phillips of CTC. The last time we talked a lot was at Mountaineer on the bike. Since then we have both finished our first Ironman and signed up for IMKY. We talked for a bit. It helped me to pace with him. I was able to steady my pace again. At mile seven he picked up the pace and pulled ahead. I stuck with the pace established.
I finished up with a 1:26.06. Not my best time on this course. :10 slower than last year.
The weather was much improved from yesterday. The course was clear.
My mistakes:
- Poor pre race hydration
- Overdressed
- Thursday tempo run was a bad idea
Overall I felt happy with the effort. This is a tough race physically. My goal was to run hard, but not to hard. I accomplished that.
Congrats to Bbop on his AG glory. Monica and Nichole also had good races.
It was nice to get out for a hard run in the sunshine after a week that included a huge ice storm and a major blizzard.
My base is not being built with the same haste as it was last year. My speed is down. But I feel as though it is much more stable. I intend to peak August 31st.
Impressive run in the snow there! Surely you can chalk up the 10 second difference to ice/snow? Maybe? Regardless, great job :-) The U of I should be ashamed for cancelling a measly 5k when you Clevelanders ran today!!!
Uk...., It was ten minutes.
Thanks just the same.
great race charlie! even though it was slower than last year, the conditions were quite different and they messed with your head and pre-race planning. it is only the beginning of the season, you have many more miles ahead of you and will be back to your regular times again.
at least you got extra time to soak in that sun! ;)
Indeed, things started to warm up after hitting "the hill." It was a tough day to challenge your course record, given the warm sun/cold air/stiff breeze.
Good idea to hold back a bit on this course. My training week will suffer as a result of pursuing the bobblehead.
Good job, that was a TOUGH course!
Great race and way to get out on such an impossible weekend. I'm a little jealous of everyone who ran this weekend. Although the napping and snow-watching I did was really good for my, umm, circadian rhythm.
good job on making it to the race..and then coming so close to last year....weather notwithstanding....
you gotta be happy since that tempo run so close might have partially zapped ya...
the sun is out..life is good
glad you had a good run despite the hydration Charlie!
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