I don't have a lawn of my own, but I was once a landscaper. I farmed grass. Every March 15th we would begin uncovering the earth as we prepared many lawns for the grass to return from its winter dormancy. Within a couple of weeks grass would grow faster then we could cut it.
As humans, we devote huge amounts of time, energy and money toward grass farming. Outside of spouses and offspring grass is held in as high regard as the family dog. As a living being, grass has become very successful at co existing with humans. We grow grass for ornimant, recreation and as feed for animals. Imagine if we devoted this same energy toward growing vegetables.
Some of my favorite music is devoted to grass. The city I will do Ironman in is known for its grass. Opening day will feature some very well groomed grass. Tiger woods will probably make a fortune this weekend walking around on grass.
Ironyman observes: Grass has done a good job of getting humans to promote its growth as a life form. I think it a little funny how our favorite plant is treated by our favorite mammal.

But alas the grass has outsmarted the dog as it has dupped us into criminalized the defamation of a lawn with dog poop.
Anyhow, happy spring! Watch your step.
The time has come for chemlawn to go out of business. It is a bad idea to poison your air and water to create a useless patch of grass. I have alot I want to say about this, but will leave it at a book recommendation.
Food not Lawns by H.C. Flores.
whenour kids were little, our grass looked like hell... i used to say we are growing kids,not grass...now that the kids have long since moved on....our grass looks........like hell
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