I also was reminded by the front page that LeBron is the best basketball player in the history of Cleveland sports.
Other athletes to hold this distinction are Jessi Owens, Bob Feller, Jim Brown.
Each of these athletes stood against injustice. Owens crushed Hitlers vision of the perfect race, Feller left baseball to fight in WWII, and Jim Brown has always been a leader with his work on inner city social issues.
Lebron has always stepped up to the plate when it comes to giving and creating opportunity. So he can not be accused of being selfish. He is not. He has been very generous. But I can not say he has achieved the same level of sacrifice the others have.
If this were to happen, then his early title as The Chosen One would be clear.
charlie...good point..
but I think LeBron had his chance earlier to make a stand when former teammate Ira Newble wanted him to sign a petition against the Chinese Goverments dalliance with the bad guys in Darfur. LeBron never signed that petition..
Right, now LeBron is very Michael-like in his career and business goals. Corporate, if you get my drift.
Jim Brown, Bill Russell, Wilt, Jesse Owens, Boib Feller and other took stands that were significant and , while it would be huge for LeBron to take a stand, I don't think it is forthcoming...
I could be wrong..
Newble's action really did give me a a new respect for him as a human. As a player I always loved his selflessness.
My guess is you are right with 23.
I always thought MJ was among the best ever. But never was he The Greatest. That title of course belongs to Ali. Known for his ability to fight. But his decision not to fight despite all it cost him, is what made him the greatest.
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