I first saw her silhouetted against the sky standing in a line of trees. We crossed over the road and continued until she came charging from the top of the hill. We stopped and turned to her and held our ground.
I have written about the pack in the past. Usually they harass me on my bike for encroaching on their territory. I don't blame them. People are scary animals.
Last week the pack was featured in a local paper for their brazen attitudes and elusiveness. The story talked about the city's inability to catch the dogs. The dogs are fearful of us unless we fear them. So we took our chances and stood her down. The theory worked. We continued our run. I railed on about how cool it was that this family of dogs was returning to a life free from human dependence.
Nichole asked,"Do we really need wild packs of dogs running around the city?".
I thought it a good question and realized the new wild dog population might be a little dangerous. I didn't suggest it again.
We finished the run of 12 miles in two hours. It is nice to get back to long runs. I really love the feeling. I also enjoyed the soy cocoa and pad Thai after we were finished.
This morning we had a swim workout that was tough. During the final set my arms were burning. I wondered if I was not on pace with my fellow CTC swimmers. I finished and listened to every one else reflecting on how hard the work out was. I felt better.
Training is moving along at a steady pace.
One last dog note: I am considering renting a house on the west side with Zac and Nichole. It is across the street from a very good natural foods market with a vegan deli. It is also a quarter mile from the Rocky River metro park. The house has a yard. Zac has Max(the chocolate lab) and some one should be around often. I am considering adopting a dog if this happens.
That swimming workout cracked me like a walnut. I think I did 450 of the second set. Ugh!
Dogs are great when they are your friends. Be careful!
i have had many encounters on lonely country roads with aggressive dogs... i end up stopping and like you..standing my ground.. but darn if the encounter takes so long before the dogs finally moves away...you've lost momentum for the run...but at least the dog didn't take a piece out of your fanny.
living by rocky river metro would be cool...that better for you commuting to work, etc via bus or bike??
dogs are fun when they are friendly!!! good luck with you're decision making process of new digs and a new dog! :)
Oh man! I always feel safer from dogs on the bike as it (the bike) can serve as a shield if it has to. Another weapon of choice is the water bottle. No, I don't throw it, I squirt it in their eyes. It's not doggy mace, but is less painful for the dog that's for sure.
I hope you find a dog.
If you get the new house and you want a dog - I happen to know of a great young black lab mix that needs a home :) I can send pics.
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