I have been tagged by TriguyJT.
John, thank you....Just what I always wanted.
The rules are as follows:
# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
1. I was a boy scout. I missed Eagle Scout by one merit badge. I dropped out after a fight I started between two Boy Scout troops. It was ugly. This was the last time I raised my fists.
2. My first job was at an Audio/Video store. I was twelve. It was across the Street from where I live now (Old Big Fun). My freind Jeno and I got referred by a man named Tom who was drinking coffee in Tommy's restaurant. I worked for Tom as a landscaper over five years starting at 25. I now live above Tommy's.
3. My favorite person who is my age is my sister Susie. I also am fond of her daughter and her daughters cousin and her cousins mom and her moms brother and her brothers parents. That is a group of many ages.
4. I think I am becoming a good swimmer.
5. I am a huge Baseball nerd. I am the guy that sits at the corner of the bar (I don't have cable) and watches baseball without blinking. I am the guy that can be in a heated conversation while knowing the pitch count. I absorb stats and think I would be a good play by play guy. I very often hear the announcers echoing me. Play by play was my dads first radio gig. He did it for Army football games. It Kept him out of Korea.
6. As a kid my hero's were Brian Sipe and Keith Richards. They weren't always pretty but man, they had soul. These guys were magicians. They had a swagger and a relaxed confidence that I admired.
7. I value objectivity. My dad gave me this. It has helped me toward the goal of not raising my fists.
Ok, I am gonna pick on the vegans, IMKY crowd and One CTC member.
Veg, Crystal, Krissi, Craig, Spokan Al Steve,Vegan Heart Doc
You have all been tagged.
1 comment:
I did as you asked, but I could only tag two other people because those are the only people I know on here!
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