I jumped off my bike and began my transition. Tights, t shirt, jacket, hat, shoe......? Hmmm? where is my left shoe. Let me tell ya, bricks work best when you prepare your transition ahead of time. finally I found the missing Minzuno beneath my swim bag. It is so important to take care of these things.
As a triathlete and a musician, misplacing or forgetting anything can be the difference between success and failure. Goggles, patch cables, tubes and strings. These things are so important. They may seem like small items, but when I need them, their value is huge.
Well, once I had my shoe tied and my gloves pull on, I headed out for the run portion of my groundhog day brick. Everything was covered in an icy glaze which caused me to consider bagging the run. I stuck with it however because it was the best my legs have felt in a week. In my Mp3 player I had dialed in Nick Drake. Between the music of choice and the frosty lite fog, I was feeling quite detached. Fortunately the ice forced me to pay careful attention to every step. At one point I slid about 6 feet down a hill. The focus required for the run kept my mind from slipping to deeply into the detachment I was feeling. This is one reason I love running so much. This is one reason I love guitar. I am able to focus on the moment.
Training through the winter is really hard on me. I am sure we all start to live out our own "Groundhog Day" As the trainer rides, treadmills/snow storm runs, and tough commutes to the pool all begin to run together. The training is easy, but getting started takes so much personal coaxing. I never trained consistently during Capricorn and Aquarius until I began IM training. Needless to say my mood is often blue.
Inspiration is sometimes hiding beneath my swim bag. Some times I come home and flop in my chair. I check my email and surf. After a long day I am tired and I just want a break. I want to train, but I just can't pull my self up to do the work. Trying to find the motivation feels as hopeless as finding my running shoe. I search and search. Eventually I lift my swim bag and there it is. My shoe. My inspiration. I pull on my glass slipper and the magic begins. I am transformed from slouch to runner. I press play and hit the street. I run and feel my body moving forward. I feel the change taking form. As Groundhog Day seems to repeat itself day after day, I am getting stronger and stronger. I can begin to visualize myself becoming an Ironman once again. I can imagine facing the big training yet to come with a solid base and strong conviction formed as I willed myself to train when I wasn't always into it.
Sometimes things get misplaced. Sometimes we can't find the things we need. The things that will get us from February 2nd to Ironman seem to be no where. We dig and comb, searching for for the missing ingredient. It is funny where you find things. Picking up my swim bag revealed my running shoe. It also revealed my dream and determination to achieve my dream.
1 comment:
I give you props for getting through the run! Nick Drake makes me want to hang in the house and read or paint; definitely NOT run!
And what's this about "becoming an Ironman once again?" As far as I'm concerned, you are an Ironman forever, you've earned that title for life!
Good post Charlie!
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