Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life after Louisville

I came so close to tossing the dice today in hopes of grabbing an Ironman Canada entry. I was in heavy debate with myself as 1pm approached. I passed. I am still tossing my 2009 plans around in my head.
Right now I am thinking:
  1. Ironman Mexico
  2. Ironman UK
  3. Ironman Louisville
  4. Ironman Nice/France
  5. JFK50
  6. Marathons and 50k focus with two or three 70.3 races tossed in along with a bunch of sprints.
Most likely I will do go with 6, but I am sure my imagination will get the best of me.

My bike that has given me thousands of miles, 2 Ironmans, 6 70.3s, and most of my triathlon life is getting a new makeover. I am converting it back into a road bike. I am bidding on some shifter/brake levers and switching the bars to drops. The seat post will return to a more relaxed position and I will forgo the aero bars. Once the switch is made, I will begin building a new tri specific bike. I may also check off season sales and do a law away plan.

The volunteer that found me withering on the convention center floor and made sure I got medical attention, found me on Facebook. He was concerned about my well being. I must have looked aweful. I am certain I was one of many to need medical aid after that race.
Anyhow, I can't thank him and the other volunteers enough for the job they did at Ironman. They were working all day and night in the same conditions we raced in. I am sure a few athletes are alive today because of the job these folk did. I am not sure where I would be if Mike had not spotted me.
Thank You.


jcarneyjr said...

Charlie I am in the same boat. Someone told me today there are 45 spots left for LOO 09. I want so badly to do it but really don't have the cash. I may next week if it is still open.

Jen said...

Holy cow... Nice, France!!! (And a winning lottery ticket would help that dream come true, I imagine. I'll keep my fingers crossed for that one :-)

triguyjt said...

charlie...if you decided france...i can put you in touch with the 19 year old who did it.....big time hills to ride...but will have a new...tri bike and kick aaaa on it...

nice pics from looooo