Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I was very uptight this morning. I was not very tuned in to what I was doing. I apologized to the owner of the building I work in for my lack of focus.
He said, "What's her name?".
My reply, "Mom".
My worry was deep. She was having surgery to replace both of her knees. She has been living in pain for a while now. She was not happy. She did not want to live her days any longer this way. It is the 21'st century and she had a choice to change her life. All she had to do was make a commitment to surgery and rehab.
She made the choice. at 8:30 I began holding my breath for the next 5 hrs. Surgery scares the hell out of me. I was worried. She is not young.
At 3:30 my dad called to say.....She is awake and everything went well.....relief.
At 4 I left work on my bike and headed to Lerner tower at University Hospitals to see my mom.
As I entered the room, I softly said "mom?"
I expected moaning and delirious morphine induced psychobabble.
"Hi Charlie", she replied.
She was alert and normal.
We chatted for a bit, I fed her with a spoon(roll reversal), and I made sure she was comfortable.
My mom is my best friend. I was scared shit less.
She is ok and her quality of life will improve because she was willing to make a huge commitment. We have a lot in common. New knee's and Ironman. This summer my mom and I are both working towards very big goals. For a time this morning my fear was that I would be working toward my goal with out my mom. I am very, very grateful that she is well.

Anyhow, I left for the pool and learned that they were closing early. Oh well, at least I get to swim some today. I haven't been able to swim since last Wednesday.


JenC said...

I'm glad to hear your mom came through the surgery well. She is lucky to have you and your dad! I hope she recovers speedily.

Craig said...

I hope your mom has a very smooth and fast recovery.

B Bop said...

If your bodies ability to adapt to physical stress is any indication of the genes your mother posseses, I think she will take the recovery in stride. I'm glad the surgery went well. Best wishes to her.

Jodi said...

I'm so glad that things went so well! My guess is that she will never regret making that committment... and neither will you.



Jen said...

Best wishes to your mom--may she heal quickly and fully. You're a good kid, caring for her the way you do.

Papa Louie said...

I hope your mom has good recovery.