On May 4th in NEOhio our memories always return to Kent.
What happened on the KSU campus 37 years ago touched so many people in very direct ways.
My freind Jennifer's Cousin, Allison Kraus was one of the 4 Dead. Jennifer recently gave birth to a daughter and named her Allison.
My friend and fellow folk singer Jim Snively was working as a policeman in portage county at the time. Jim recounts the fear and confusion of the National guardsmen.Most of whom were the same age as the students.
My father covered the trial for NBC. While interviewing jurors it was revealed that jury intimidation had acured. His report forced a new trial.
I was asked to perform origianal music in '97, '98, and Y2k at the commemoration. This was always a huge honor.
In '98 I had run the Cleveland Marathon(my first) the day before. I was in a world of hurt. When I arrived at the stage, I was excited to find a ramp to the stage. The stage had to be wheel chair accessible to accommodate the main speaker Ron Kovic (Tom Cruise's character from Born on the 4th of July). Later in the program, Kovic declared we all march across campus to demand something or other from the KSU President. Kent is hilly with a million stairs. With each painful step I had to search for gratitude that I had legs.
In 2000 I performed just prior to Crosby, Stills, and Nash.....WOW. That was a trip.
BBop wrote that he was headed over to Kent today. Maybe he will give an account of the days happenings. I know Cindy Sheehan will be speaking. The May4th Task force will also be ringing the bell 32 times this year to remember the students killed at VT last month.
I don't know if we will ever know what happened at Kent. Was it an act of panic in the midst of chaos? or had an order to fire been given?.
All we really know is that four students were killed. Descent had become deadly. The ongoing American struggle for freedom took a step backwards. Fear had won.
We can no longer be afraid.
Sounds like a nice honor to get to perform at the commeration.
My parents were both seniors on campus that day at KSU. They will never forget that day and both received their diplomas by mail as they did not have a graduation ceremony that year. Chaotic times.
Passionate post! That was an honor to perform with the other artists Charlie on a very important historical day.
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