I love southpark. It is so wrong. I almost feel guilty for laughing at this show. The writers push the humour as far as they can, and yet they keep producing the show. The fine line of acceptable humour becomes an enormous grey area.The show is very well thought out. Every joke has meaning in the context of the story.
I first watched southpark while training for my first marathon. My Marathon training sorta worked like southpark. I kind of think the marathon is wrong. I feel a certain guilt for wanting to run one. You always try to push your training as far as you can, while be able to continue training. The grey area between training and injury or heavy training and overtraining is extremely vague. Every work out is well thought out and has to have meaning in the context of the plan and goal race.
Last week on the tails of three hard weeks culminating into the ten day CTC VTC(Cleveland Tri Club virtual training camp). I felt like I had taken it to far. . That I might be facing the consequences of the heavy pace I was maintaining. I had a little chest cold, I was very tired, and I was having trouble sleeping.
Had I hit the dreaded overtraining point?.
Tuesday I took a day off. No training. Beginning Wednesday I began a build with light workouts.
The cold took a few days to shake. But I think I am OK.
I did a tough brick today and felt energized. I could feel the strength gain from the heavy weeks.
Some how, I survive to train another day. A little stronger and a little bit wiser.
The best part of southpark is how they always seem to learn something.
Hey, I learned something today.
Rest and recovery really are an important part of training.
Oh yeah, I also learned that Scuzzlebutt is real.
I'm glad you took it easy. Rest days are so essential. When I skip one I definitely pay for it later.
Toe the line, but be safe about it. Your body knows when it has had too much. Good luck!
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