Every year a bunch of weirdo's usher in the new year by jumping into the lake on January 1st. I remember this ritual happening as long as I have been aware. It is useally the same common sense that makes people think that doing an Ironman is a good idea.
Today I joined the party and became one of those weirdo's. 12 hours into 2007, 40 plus members of CTC charged into Lake Erie and took the plunge.
We have had a warm winter and the water was in the mid 40's. Not really that cold. We didn't exactly have to break holes in the ice. However it was cold enough.
The photo above is borrowed/stolen from Jens blog . The photo is Allen, Jodi and I bundled up on the beach following the swim. Monica Robbins and a camera man from channel 3 covered it.
My overall thoughts on the Polar Bear swim: Like every thing in triathlon, jumping in was easier then the build up in my head, and the real pain and discomfort didn't set in until I was deeply entrenched.
Would I do it again? Yes.
The rest of the new year was great. I saw many friends today both at the beach and at Tim Smith's "Hair of the Dog" party. Both CTC and Cleveland Peace Action made the news.
Peace action was reading the names of the US soldiers killed in Iraq to mark the 3000th death. I pray that this is not a sign of things to come this year. Hopefully some positive progress evolves in the war. I don't know what the best direction for our nations involvement will be. I can only hope that our elections have put the right people in control of making the decisions that will both stabilize the region and allow our armed forces to come home safely.
Last night a few CTCers partied at Jodi's. It was a good time. It was defiantly the right place for me to be this year. Ushering in 2007(the year of my first attempt at Ironman) with fellow IM rookie Jodi, Allen who finished his first IM in Wisconsin this year, and Elizabeth the club ultra marathoner was really nice.
This morning while Jodi, Elizabeth, and I were jogging prior to the swim, Zac and Nichole came came by to witness our silly behavior at the beach.
I am so lucky to have the support and friendship of so many good people. My faith in people is strong once again.
I always learn so much about myself and the world around me during heavy training periods. I think this answers the question "Why am I doing this?".
Finishing a race is just the moment that we pause to reflect on every thing that we have gained through out our training. If it was about the medals that hang from my tool rack than I would never have gotton this far.
Thank you to all of my friends and family. Have a wonderful New Year.
May we all know Peace inside and out in every moment.
May all of our journeys bring the rewards that mine has already brought to me.
It was a good way to ring in the New Year for sure!
Happy training in 07!
Great post! It's all about the journey and the people. There's no other good reason to do the crazy stuff that we do!
What is wrong with you People!!??
Reminds me of a trip I took to Pictured Rocks up in the U.P and "bathing" in Lake Superior. I had the option of a frigid "bath" or no "bath."
You people all have running hot water, no??
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!!!
I agree with Jodi. Enjoy your journey to IM and all the people you will share it with along the way.
Happy New Year, Charlie.
Dan, Los, and Peter (my roomie) rehearsed at my house last night. They all raved about your mad guitar skillz.
Good luck on the IM endeavor. I hope to see you play sometime soon.
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