Sunday, November 08, 2015

Not fat

I am beginning to feel not fat. Technically I am overweight. Slightly obiest  according to bmi charts. But recently as my fitness level climbs and I lose weight, I don't consider myself fat most of the time. As I climb hills on the wheelchair or handcycle, I consider the need to lose more weight, but I don't fel uncomfortable in my cloths. I am not overwhelmed by athletic challenges. I feel like an athlete..... I like feeling this way.
Today I went west for 26 miles on the bike. It began with a steady, strong pace.  Ultimately there were too many stops and bad roads to be able to sustain any decent speed. I abandoned any hope of breaking time records, And focused on time spent riding. 3 and a 1/2 hours of tough riding. It is my longest workout since my injury. I am happy to know that I can stick to long workouts. I am reaching a point where nutrition during rides will matter.

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