In two weeks I will set out to run a marathon. In two weeks I will set out to run a marathon for the tenth time in my life. In two weeks I will set out to run a marathon for the first time off road.
I began running with trips around the Shaker lakes. I always enjoyed the trail portions best. This was the section that would pull me into the immediate moment as I would have to focus on each and every step or risk tripping over a root or stone. Turned ankles are often the result of not paying attention to oncoming obstacles, so for my own health and well being I would have ignore the common state of distraction that I often live in. The softer surface is more agreeable to my heavier frame whilst the constant climbing and descending remain difficult due to the same issue. The major attraction to an off road marathon is my love for nature and the chance to commune with the world in it's natural state.
Most of my marathons have been both flat and on roads. I have run the Towpath twice, which is flat with a crushed lime stone surface. A portion of the IMUK course was both hilly and off road. So I have limited experiance with this distance and terrain in combination. I hope to try ultra marathons soon, so The Trail Marathon seems like a good step in that direction.
I am healthy and my fitness is at a good level. My main concerns are loosing focus and turning an ankle or flying face first to the ground.
All in all I just look forward to a new challenge.
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