I have been thinking about mortality lately. I know that eventually I will no longer breath. At least not as Charlie. I had a friend get hit the other day. He is OK, but you never know. You never know when a random act will find you. You never know when decease or some other bodily malfunction can suddenly end your perception and being here on earth. It will happen. It always has before and it will happen to me. As I age my life grows shorter. Death will happen I am sure.
I also know that with death, there is life. I watch the seasons come and go. Right now we are coming into spring. Life will erupt once more. Within days, barren limbs will be covered with buds and within weeks the buds will be leaves so thick that the sky will disappear over our heads. Life will be rich and we will celebrate it. We will move from our homes out into the open air to breath run, bike, sing, dance, and rejoice in life as we do every spring.
Death returns to life. Resurrection, reincarnation and the four seasons are strong held beliefs. I am not afraid of death, because I know that death can only exist with life. Knowing that I am not dead reminds me that I am alive. This makes me happy.
My battery is getting dangerously low now. So I must end this post.
Happy Spring! Enjoy Life!
lovely thoughts on life and death, charlie....
in choosing/accepting life, death must also be acknowledged; fearing death is never an option- to embrace death is to embrace life- this is how we live....
evie :)
In it something is. Many thanks for the help in this question. I did not know it.
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