Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Open Mic recap

I am a little slow with this post. I had a good brick workout yesterday before joining the gang across the street on Panini's patio for a poorly played basketball game. Fortunately for me, I had my attention turned toward the 8th inning for the three run homer off the Yankees. As for the CAVS Celtic series, Lebron, Pierce, and Ray Allen all sucked. I don't think the series has begun. Boston just happened to have the lead at the right time to start the series tomorrow with a head start of one game.

Anyhow, I am actually posting about the Open mic this past Monday.

I live a block from the phoenix, so I just carried my PA to the cafe and set up. After getting the stage set, I put out the sign up sheet along with a list of guidelines for the performers to remember. The list filled quickly. I had to create an overflow list for additional performers. At 8:00, I sauntered up to the stage, picked up my guitar, introduced myself and began singing my song "Who here will lead us". At that point, I felt I had the focused attention of the room. I was now ready to turn the stage over to the next performer.

We had a good mix of seasoned pros and newcomers to art. Everyone was so nice and respectful of each others music. The audience was really cool. It was the first time I have seen the coffee shop filled with people that were not staring at laptops. Every one seemed to have a good time. I expect similar responses in the future.

For me the best part of the evening went against my rules for myself. My number one rule as an open mic host is, "It is not about me". My goal is to create an event that allows others to shine. I will give everything to my own performance, but my priority is to the other players and the audience. If this goal is met, we have a successful evening. I mostly lived by this rule Monday. however, I had so much fun and felt my self returning to normal. I was doing, what I do best. I felt whole once again. I didn't bother anyone else with how much self gratification I was taking from the evening, but I very much enjoyed what I was doing. I needed this back in my life as much as any one. At least for one show, It was about me.

The Phoenix was happy. Number goals were met. They are a good bunch of folks at the cafe. This is the ultimate key to success. The support was awesome. Two staffers performed. They really helped in creating excitement.

So we are set for a show every Monday. The women Felisha that has been asigned the roll of Phoenix point person for Open Mic said she will prepare vegan treats for Monday nights. So very cool.

See ya Monday.


triguyjt said...

couldn't be any got a spot two carmona fastballs away from your home...great people to work with and a responsive audience...perfect open mic..

of course, you set the tone and it always starts with that...

tracie said...

awesome charlie glad to hear things went well!!!

hopefully i can stop by and check it out! :)