Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Forsythia Means spring!

I am driven by emotion. Emotion is what helps me to run 26.2 miles. My logical side enables me to train for a marathon, but emotion gets me to the finish line. The marathon is beyond logic. Why in the world would you do that to yourself. Emotion is the only explanation I can come to. Logic however tells me that I must reach a level of fitness to be able to meet the demands of my emotion.

Music is much the same. Without an understanding of music theory, music is left to just wander without direction. Music depends on a set of rules just as math, science, and language do. Yet music performed without emotion, seems to loose its musicality.

Much of my base training has been logical in its motivation lately. Honestly, I have had little desire this past winter to train. I do not love the trainer rides. Commuting to and fro the pool by bus kinda sucks in the cold, and running in the winter is really nice during November and December, but after New Years it becomes a real chore.

Today I headed out for an hour around University Circle. My goal was speed work in the form of intervals. I knew what I needed to do in my head, but pushing myself was going to be a chore of the heart. My plan was to play chase with other runners.

The game works like this: Spot another runner and e catch them. Preferably they have at least a 100 yd lead over you. The Case campus is a good spot for this workout because it has so many fit runners to choose from.

Within five minutes, I had a runner to stalk. He was young and seemed to run well. I began my chase. Once I was with in 25 yds, the prey had become aware of my pusuit. He began to increase his effort to match mine for a mile and a half. I was within ten yards at the bottom of Mayfield hill when he made his turn off my course. We had both pushed each other really hard. I spotted and overtook a few others along the way, but none gave me the same effort as my first chase.

While running I took notice of the brilliant skyline that circles Wade Oval. I took notice of the forsythia as it bursts into spring. I enjoyed the sun light and moderate temperatures. The music mostly helped me to maintain my cadence.

My mind during a run is constantly racing back and forth between logic and emotion. I constantly run a system scan over my whole body. But to continue my Stearn focus, I need the fuel of my emotions.

A sure sign of spring is when I get home and I am excited to head out for my run. Logic has helped me to build a solid base. With spring, I can just enjoy my training. I can revel in the beauty of spring. I am joined by so many more runners and wildlife. My head spins with joy as I run purely for the love of running.

Logic and emotion are the basis for so much in my life. My mind is often working through both. But some how as I relax following my run, my sense of logic and flow of emotion seems to subside. I am no longer processing the thoughts in my mind. I have no problems to solve and I am driven by nothing. At the moment I conclude my run I am at total peace.

Side note: As I finished writing this post, A group of high school seniors came into the coffee shop and requested that everybody stand up and hold hands for a photo. Every body did. At least 30 people that haven't looked past their laptop screens in over an hour stood together hand in hand. This was a moment of inclusiveness that does not happen often in the 21st century cafe'. It was refreshing.


Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie,

Hope AJ's gets a print of the shot. That's pretty cool.

I like your new site's look too. Very nice.


triguyjt said...


love the stalker..pursuit game.....good way for tempo..

thats wild about the photo in aj's... your right...many people never look past their screens or books....

but i think many people go to coffee shops for interaction as much as coffee...i might be wrong...
like the new look