The CD also arrived. It sounds good, however there were a couple of typos I had to fix. It will go live very, very soon.
Training is going well thus far. I am increasing frequency right now. Weekends will include 1+ hr runs and longer trainer rides. Swimming is going well but i will loose 6 days of pool time during a ten day period due to the holidays. Polar bear swim will have to count as a workout.
I really love to train. It is why I do this triathlon thing.
Steelhead really has my attention. I am really looking forward to this race. It will represent 10 years in triathlon for me. Looking back at my first season I know I have come a very long way. I have become far more balance as a multsport athlete.
IMKY hasn't sunk in yet. I am searching my soul for an unshakable reason of "Why IMKY". I need something to focus on. Last year it was "To become an IRONMAN". This year I need a new candle to fix on through out this 9 month meditation called Ironman. Searching for this has been frustrating. I am searching for an answer, tho I don't know what the question is.
I really love to train. It is why I do this triathlon thing.
Steelhead really has my attention. I am really looking forward to this race. It will represent 10 years in triathlon for me. Looking back at my first season I know I have come a very long way. I have become far more balance as a multsport athlete.
IMKY hasn't sunk in yet. I am searching my soul for an unshakable reason of "Why IMKY". I need something to focus on. Last year it was "To become an IRONMAN". This year I need a new candle to fix on through out this 9 month meditation called Ironman. Searching for this has been frustrating. I am searching for an answer, tho I don't know what the question is.
You may have noticed that Trifolk has gone commercial. I figured, maybe I could earn a little extra dough to try and ease the sting of entry fee's. I will most likely spend over a grand for races this coming season. So, I am now hocking space on the blog. If I find that the random ads do not represent my interests(such as "Turduckin" ads) I will quickly evict the sellers.
Turduckin, turduckin, turduckin.
Hee, hee. I just wanna see what these sicko ads would look like :-)
Congrats on the sunglasses!
woohoo! Fancy glasses. :) I went commercial too. We'll what materializes. Keep it up with training!
The Rudy project shades are very nice. Two sets of lenses and free too. One for sunny and other cloudy days I figure. You'll have to wear them during the Saturday January 5th live performance.
Very cool glasses. Congratulations.
So, is Polarbear swim one of those dips in a frozen body of water? It sounds right... but I'm really curious. Not curious enough to join you, but enough to ask ;-)
Dang, nice sunglasses!!!
Maybe you're looking forward to Loooouisville so that you may see the Kentucky countryside???? Swim in the mighty Ohio???? Celebrate a decade of multisport by completing your "local" IM. I predict that when the weather breaks you'll be embracing the 15 hour training weeks.
G, you have got to join us. The cold waters of lake erie will heal all injuries instantly.
Craig, shades are coming to the beach on new years.
Miss Tofurken,We have to set up some google bait on the sportsveg blog.
Bop, the weather is already broken.
hey charlie...
heres your motivation ..your slogan.
This is your first Ironman on U.S. soil. Your Country..Just a few hundred miles from where you began your triathlon career. Work with that.
I have some off base references to UK and or KY but I will not go there....
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