As I look back on my '07 triathlon season, I feel I had a very successful year. I stayed injury free. My training was consistent. I got my nutritional issues rectified. I rebuilt my bike. My swim issues were addressed and put on a corrective path. My "A" race goals were met.
My early goal was to run The Cleveland half in 1 :45. I ran it in 1:45.01.
I PR'd at the half Iron distance.
My Oly and mary times were the best since '99.
I became an Ironman.
I did not make many mistakes or have happy accidents. I never blew away my expectations nor was I seriously disappointed. I was steady on all year.
My spiritual journey was deep. I learned alot about myself and the universe/the tao/ on and so fourth.
I developed new friends ships and deepened existing ones.
I stayed true to my plan of doing IM as a vegan and carefree(that was a typo/ I meant "carfree").
I got a tattoo.
I had an amazing experience this past year.
I am looking back now so that I can plan for next year. I think my greatest strength last year was my ability to stay in the moment. Having a carefully prepared plan enabled me to remain present to the work I had to do. I followed my road map closely and let the big picture take care of itself.
For the next week, I will be creating my training plan for '08.
My race schedual will begin in January with an attempt at 50k. I am veiwing this as a base building day. I figure the trail, hill, and other course features will be unlike a traditional marathon. Should help to train the brain.
Nichole and I are considering The Big Sur Marathon in April.
At the end of June is Mountaineer 70.3 followed by Steelhead 70.3 at the start of August.
August 31 is IMKY. This will be my "A" race. I want to go fast!
Fall races will be dictated by post IM recovery.
A singer I like sings out "How come the future takes such a long time, when you're waiting for a miracle".
What made my year so great was that I never felt like I was waiting for the miracle. I always felt that I was living it. On Ironman day, my strategy was to enjoy every second of the race. The execution of my strategy was simple, as that is how I trained. For me long course triathlon is not about a long race. For me it is all about one precious moment.
That moment is now.
Congratulations on a great 2007 and good luck in '08. I'll be looking forward to reading about your tales of the road.
And keep smiling.
Wow :-) Great post, Charlie!
You definitely train smart - I admire your consistency, as well as your "in the moment" every moment way of life.
Wow sounds like you had a great year! I wish I could learn to live in the moment! I always seem to be ready to finish the race! Great post.
Awesome post Charlie!!!
Living in the moment - I enjoyed reading this post a lot. Will read again I'm sure for inspiration.
Thanks for the "now" reminder.
Indeed, you were quite consistent this racing season. Congrats, again, on a great year!
.great post charlie. you did have an amazing year. congrats.
the journey is far far from over. many many exciting things to discover. aint this sport a kick in the fanny???
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