After work I grabbed a beer and headed out to the patio before the ballgame. I started rapping with a scalper when he waved a ticket in my face.
"You wanna go in?" The ticket broker said.
"YES" I replied.
"Give me $40 bucks and a, give me th 40 when you get paid" he said.
Then he gave me the ticket.
Like a little kid, I raced off to the Jake to go watch the American League Championship Series Game 3. I climbed up the ramp, reminding myself that I was in a taper. No needless ramp running.
Once I found my seat I called my mom and dad to let them know where I was. This is something I do when I am jazzed about being somewhere cool.
I got a beer, settled in and had the time of my life. The folks around me were a lot of fun. I went in alone, but by the 2nd inning we were all Clevelander's together. We screamed and cheered. We fretted, we winced. We all held our breath as Joe Borowski threw what seemed like 5 final pitches. When the last out was recorded we all celebrated as one. "Joe is amazing!", "Jake was brilliant!", "KLUVVVV!!!!"...everybody is so happy that Kenny Lofton is a part of this thing.
We had a couple chowderheads in front of us. I tied off the ends of their jacket sleeves when they got up to use the restroom. Aside from that they were barely abused....They seemed like pleasant folks. Not the Jimmy Fallon character we think off when we think of Red Sox fans...
One thing that annoys me. Fans that paint wahoo on their face. This is so offensive people. This is no different than black face. It is very biggoted behavior. PLEASE STOP IT!
I am not a wahoo fan. My Cap is the simple "C" from the "48 Series winner. Many "fans" ask why I am wearing a reds hat. These are the same fans that justify wahoo as tradition. I struggle to understand how someone that does not know history can cling so tightly to tradition. The Hat I wear was the design worn by Larry Doby, Bob Feller, Satchel Paige, Lou Boudrou, and other tribe greats.
The team seems to be moving slowly away from the mascot, with its new "I" logo. But there is no I in team. So I cannot accept this logo.
My idea for a new logo is using the smiling Bob Feller head. Kind of looks like Wahoo. We could then call him Old Yahoo. Somehow though I think the fans that embrace Wahoo will find this to be offensive.
Anyhow, GO Tribe! 2wins away from the World Series.
You were THERE? Holy crap!!! That's awesome!
And I'm glad you feel the way you do about the "mascot." It is pretty offensive. But as far as the team itself goes, you totally have my respect. Just keep in mind, the Sox do their best work when they're down in a series.
Veg better hope the sox do better when coming from behind :-)
I can't believe you got in!! I'll be in downtown tonite, and would pay 40 bux to go in, for sure!!
I like the "I" design. Makes me think of one famous jamaican..."I and I".
Well, now they're REALLY coming from behind. But they can do it. Remember '04? Down 3 games? Uh-huh. This way it's more exciting for the fans. That's why they do it like that.
It ain't over, Mosbrook. Not by a long shot.
"It's the postseason and you have to stop the bleeding as quick as possible," said Wakefield. "Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to do that. Then, [Jhonny] Peralta hit the three-run homer and kind of put the game out of reach."
The difference so far for the tribe is that they never feel that the game is out of reach.
Buckett better be perfect, and he better be able to pitch the next 3 games. CC and Fausto will be throwing strikes. After seeing how Westbrook, Bird, and Betancourt shut em down, the kids will be coming right at Manny and Ortiz.
Also, if Manny does anymore showboating, he is gonna get drilled. In '95, #24, Albert Belle and Kenny Lofton were punks. Kenny has grown up, Albert is in jail, and Manny is Manny. Lets hope he doesn't get pulled over on the off day. The CPD might not overlook things as they did when he played here.
That said, I kinda hope we sign him at the conclusion of his contract.
The prediction still stands. Tribe in 5!
Glad you enjoyed the bleacher audio. John Adams was pounding the drum five rows behind us.
Are you going to tomorrow's game, too?
The plan is not to go. I have to work early friday.
But.........We could clinch.
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