"A marathon should be a walk in the park following Ironman", a coworker said to me.
I guess if I intend to walk. The truth is, I intend to run. Sub 4 would be a nice day with a solid effort. 8:45 pace should do it. My PR is 3:54.
My taper has been easy with the back to back 12 hr days, followed by trips to Jacobs field. Sleep is in short supply. Nutrition could be better, but its not horrible.
Tonight was a well needed off day for the Boston/CLE series. Every restaurant worker in Gateway is exhausted. The MLB players get to maintain daily routines. We have to work about 10X harder then normal. On the plus side, the money is good and the C-Bus 26.2 is paid for.
Last night I sat in the bleachers at Jacobs Field with one of the tenents from the Caxton Building(Rocco's local). Rod is a historian with SABR (Society for American Baseball Research). He also knows the WI FI password for Jacobs field. This enabled us to pull more facts than Bob Costas on steroids. In the bleachers, the Jumbo-tron towers above you and is impossible to see. The WI FI negated the need for the scoreboard, as we were able to dissect the history of every player in greater detail than the scoreboard operator ever could. Lots of fun for baseball nerds. I really like watching baseball with people with a knowledge of the game.
Tomorrow I plan to come straight home after work. I work early on Friday, and I need to get some rest. I have to get myself together for Sunday. I have a marathon to run, and a marathon is no walk in the park.
I hope the winning continues, both for your team and your upcoming marathon.
Good luck Charlie and have fun!!
Have an awesome marathon, Charlie! You never know what can happen: Perhaps (as the Tribe did last night) you, too, can qualify to go to Boston ;-)
It was really funny seeing Manny get cheated out of bases for showboating and watching his "Home run".
Great hustle Manny.
Don't get me started...
It almost makes me miss Pedro. Although with Pedro, our pitching would be in better shape, at least.
Good luck tomorrow!!!
Yeah, I came over to say GOOD LUCK one more time. Not that you need luck, per se. You're ready. But good luck anyway. And have fun.
Hmmm, I wonder who'll be running more - you tomorrow or the Sox tonight? The way things are going so far, they may match your 26.2 miles as they continue to run circles around those bases. ;-)
Hope you had a great run today, Charlie!
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