It is almost 5pm, and I have been online for an hour. I have NOTHING planned. No workout. no meeting. No work. No concerts or other functions....Just this and that. Whatever I want to do.....Maybe play guitar. Maybe I will go to the corner. Who knows? ........Weird.
Last weeks training was really productive. I went over the bicentennial mark in bike miles with 168 coming on Friday(43), Saturday(100), and Sunday(25). I did another 4k swim and am now feeling very comfortable with the IM swim idea. I also pushed my heart rate up during my 90 minute run thursday. I got caught in a nasty wind and rain, but just ran harder.
I have a 4200 yrd swim tomorrow, a 2.5 hr slooooow run planned for Thursday. Sunday will be race simulation day on the mountain(3.5 hr ride/90 minute run done as a brick) I am excited for this work out.
And then it is taper time......
Yesterday was spent training and following IMLP.
-I got to see Jen Collister, Nathan Burke, and Chris Phillips all become Ironman.
-I also followed as Jens husband Matt, retired from IM with his final race.
-Tim Ritt, whom I have known since fistfights in grade school, followed up his Great Floridian finish and made his M DOT tattoo official with a strong race.
-A big thrill was watching Rob Reddy and Dave Miceli race the thing. I haven't thought Kona during a qualifier since going to races with Jen and Payton 7 years ago.
Congratulations to all of you. I am glad I had a chance to be a part of your journey.
Anyhow, the next Ironman is in the UK.
I am next in line.
4 weeks to go.
I feel so ready for this.
4 weeks! I'm so excited for you :-)
Wow hard to believe you are almost to IM UK. Can't wait to track you.
I'm looking foreward to the final chapter of this journey. It's been great following your training to this point.....the best is yet to come.
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