The Mountaineer Half/International distance Triathlon is in its third year. The Race is a USAT Nationals qualifier. HFP puts on this race.
We headed south for Morgantown, West Virginia at noon on Saturday. I had reserved us a pair of tent sites. Our friends Aren and Kate were meeting up with us, so they checked into camp. I had to get my race pack and check my bike in at transition. So Zac, Nichole and I Went to the race site to take care of that. Every thing ran smoothly and we headed into camp at 7PM set up our tents and headed for the concert that was advertised in the camp web site.
The campgrounds were a stroke of dumb luck on my part. Zac and Nichole were running behind in the morning. I had time to look up a site and reserve it. When I found Chestnut Ridge I knew it was a fit because they had 2 side by side tent only sites available, they allowed dogs, and they had music with a bluegrass duo called the
Weedhawks. The songs included titles like "The Land lord has Hill Billies Workin' on the House", "I Hate Nascar", and"Drugs Aren't for Everyone, Drugs Aren't Cheap". The music was fun.
After the music we went back to camp and ate rice, beans, and fruit. We sat by the fire for a bit and by 11pm I was in bed.
At 5am I woke up and got dressed. Zac and I drove to the race site. The morning was amazing as a fog hung low in the mountains. The moon was full and sunrise was majestic. I ate a banana, 2 Lara bars and had some powerade.
I got into transition, set up my stuff, got my chip, body marked and set off in search of coffee. The desk people at the host hotel gave me a cup. It was good.
I headed back to transition and found other CTCers getting ready for the race. I chatted, used the toilet and headed to the Monongahela river. I put on the wet suit it felt fine I jumped into the river joined my wave. Jack from CTC and I talked in the water for a moment and the horn sounded. We were off.
The swim course is rectangular with no current do to the city damming the river for the race. The swim felt effortless. Not particularly fast, but without any major work as used to be my swim. I struggled to feel stretched out in the new wet suit. it was fine though. I do prefer the sleeveless.
My time was 39:32
After being pulled onto the dock I ran to the river walk and peeled off my wetsuit. That didn't go well. I couldn't get it off my foot. Once I did I ran 250 yards to T1 located inside a parking garage. I got out in 5 minutes. The wet suit cost me moments.
The Bike was a double loop through WV coal country. Picturesque. The course was not as hilly as the GCT (greater Cleveland Triathlon)course. It was rough in sections. My goal was food. I ate bananas and cliff blocks. I also drank lots of sports drink.
I had one mishap with my "rinse bottle". I dropped it while attempting to rinse my leg off. I stopped and retrieved it. I had no desire to continue with pee on my leg.
I spent most of the second loop riding with another CTC athlete named Chris. Good luck at LP Chris.
The bike went by quickly and I was not feeling taxed. Time 3:08.03.
T2 I saw Nichole, put on socks and the other gear. I approached the rack from the wrong end and had to run around it to get at my gear. I was out in 2:43.
The run began on a riverside multi use trail. I saw Rob Reddy and stopped to use the lew. After exiting the john I decided to chase Rob down. Big mistake. He was into his second loop and picking up steam. I would not catch him before I would decide that miles 1-3 were way to fast. At mile 4 you head up a VERY steep hill. At the base stood a guy in a devil suit. I trotted up the hill and passed many. It did slow me down however.
The course was a double loop. I mostly ran and had fun. I told jokes, experimented with different foods, and encouraged runners that were struggling around me. I was fine and ran in comfort. The trifolk gang and Max the dog were having lunch along the course. I thought I had a chance to break 6hrs at the start of the run, however the hilly section changed that plan. Run time, 2:07. 44.
Lesson learned, don't try to chase down friends at the start of the run. I never suffered, but I couldn't crank it up a notch.
I ate oreo's powergel, ecaps, infinit and water.
Final time 6:03.01 PR! 36 minute improvement(GCT was long last year do to flood damage/so it does not count).
Summary: HFP and Morgantown put on a great race. I plan to return, and I recommend the race to anyone.
Physically and mentally I am where I want to be.
The weather was perfect. My friends both CTC and trifolks are great. The whole experience was positive.
Next up:Time to build an Ironman!