Monday, July 30, 2007

A Quick Vacation

Having wrapped up my long training sessions, I headed up to Eagles Mere PA with my family for the weekend. This was an opportunity to spend a couple of days with my brother, sisters, neices, parents, two sets of aunt and uncles, and my brothers girl friend. It was also a chance for one last tough work out.

Saturday I met up with My brother Joe, my sister Suzi, her daughter Sarah, and Mary Beth, Joe's girl freind. My bike was attached to the roof of Joe's car and I rode with Mary Beth. At 2pm we arrived on the mountain.

After unpacking we headed for the sweet shop. The sweet shop is an ice cream and sandwich shop. The menu was surprisingly very vegan friendly. We have been eating here my entire life. I was glad to see tradition and progress could co exist. The photo is Sarah and My sister Nancy's daughter Morgan after lunch.

After the mountaintop communion I headed off on a run around the lake. It was my only workout of the day and I felt very lazy yet fresh. Before I could shower I was asked what I would like to drink. The cocktail party began out on the the cottage porch in front of the back drop pictured up top. Dinner, followed and we finished off the night at a local bar.

Sunday, Joe and Marybeth took a canoe and followed me on a nice lake swim. I began slowly and got stronger as the swim progressed. I followed that up with a 31 mile bike ride down the mountain and back up again. The climb is a tough six miles. It is a real confidence booster. Half way up I quoted Jodi with a loud "Suck it up princess". I then exchanged the shoes for my running shoes ditched my helmet for a visor, dropped off the bike and headed out for an hour of hills, road and trail running. I put out a strong effort and the weather was perfect.

After my day of training my Uncle Bob and Aunt Bonnie arrived. Bob is the other endurance athlete in the family. I was excited to tell him all about my training and race plans. We traded a few tri tales.

More drinks and dinner followed, and we waited for my Uncle Bill and Aunt Evelyn to arrive. After a delay in Vegas and some time of getting lost they made it near midnight. Bill recently had a new knee installed, so my Mom and he traded surgery and rehab stories.

This morning Suzy, Nancy, Morgan and I drove back to Cleveland. When we left Sarah became ill. As the drive progressed so did the rest of us. I have been sleeping and eating lightly since returning home.
The vacation was nice, now it is TAPER time.

Also on a side note. I volunteered to help at the Greater Cleveland Triathlon. Micky the RD asked me to provide a little TriFolk. So as athletes like Bbop take on a 1st 1/2 IM, they will be doing it to a little folk music. This will be a fun way to spend the Sunday before IM.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Flooding in the UK and other pressing issues

In a Funk
I couldn't find any energy today. I am feeling a little burnt and stressed. Wednesday is a sorta wildcard day right now. No structure, just a comfortable run and a bike planned. If I am tired, I can modify the workouts in any way I want, including taking another day rest.

I have my final long run planned for tomorrow. I did a long swim yesterday and Saturdays eight hr workout still has my legs a bit sacked. Going easy today was my best plan.

I got home and checked the web for a minute or 45. strapped on my minzunos and headed out for a run that would be dictated by my mood.

Funny thing about running. Running makes me want to run. So as I ran, I enjoyed the run more with each mile. Knowing I am at the ledge facing overtraining, I held back the desire to go longer. Save it for tomorrow.

I had no desire to bike. I wanted to want to bike, I just didn't wanna do it.
So I made a deal with myself. Ride to target to pickup gels for the long run and weekend workouts. My reward(aside from having training nutrition), Whole Foods for dinner. Vegan Ginger Snaps for dessert. Yummmm. I love cookies.
Going to the Mountain
I secured travel plans for the weekend. I had to really work to get my bike a seat in my siblings cars. I used the phrase "This weekends workout is critical to my Ironman success".
I think it made an impression.

Flooding in the UK
For the second year in a row, my "A" race is threatened by flooding. Nothing has been said, but watching news reports out of SW UK reminds me of Katrina images. With a month to go, hopefully there will be no problems with the roads or camp site.
Last year The Greater Cleveland Triathlon was threatened by flooding. The beach was destroyed, and the race eventually changed to cope with the disaster.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Big Challenge

I just finished watching Shaq's Big Challenge. The premise is Shaquil O'Neil is gonna get a bunch of big kid's in shape. I figured a Shaq reality show. After a long swim, I was up for anything.

The Show is a bit more documentary style than reality. It follows a Shaq sponsored program that helps kids bring fitness, nutrition, and wellness into there lives. They are trying to build the frame work into schools and after school programs. Ultimately they are looking for the Governor to back the program so that they can introduce it to a wider group of kids.
I really liked what this show was doing. It looked like a program that could really help kids get healthy again.

One reason I love triathlon so much is that it does these things for me. The people in the sport are very supportive. Everyone wants everyone to do well. You can start at any point, fast or slow. Every finish is celebrated. Every DNF is one more reason to work harder. We all just want to improve. We learn about nutrition. We learn how to take care of our bodies. We build solid disciplines into our lives. We enjoy it. We can't wait for the next challenge to chart our progress. We do things we once thought impossible. We live.
As an adult I was an out of shape kid. For me the keys for me regaining my fitness, nutrition, and wellness were desire and knowledge. Triathlon gave me knowledge in living a healthier life. The desire was already within myself, I just had to tap it.

I think that is what Shaq is giving these kids. Ultimately he wants to make the same structure available to all kids.
Way to go Shaq. That is being a champion.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I am next in line

It is almost 5pm, and I have been online for an hour. I have NOTHING planned. No workout. no meeting. No work. No concerts or other functions....Just this and that. Whatever I want to do.....Maybe play guitar. Maybe I will go to the corner. Who knows? ........Weird.

Last weeks training was really productive. I went over the bicentennial mark in bike miles with 168 coming on Friday(43), Saturday(100), and Sunday(25). I did another 4k swim and am now feeling very comfortable with the IM swim idea. I also pushed my heart rate up during my 90 minute run thursday. I got caught in a nasty wind and rain, but just ran harder.

I have a 4200 yrd swim tomorrow, a 2.5 hr slooooow run planned for Thursday. Sunday will be race simulation day on the mountain(3.5 hr ride/90 minute run done as a brick) I am excited for this work out.
And then it is taper time......

Yesterday was spent training and following IMLP.
-I got to see Jen Collister, Nathan Burke, and Chris Phillips all become Ironman.
-I also followed as Jens husband Matt, retired from IM with his final race.
-Tim Ritt, whom I have known since fistfights in grade school, followed up his Great Floridian finish and made his M DOT tattoo official with a strong race.
-A big thrill was watching Rob Reddy and Dave Miceli race the thing. I haven't thought Kona during a qualifier since going to races with Jen and Payton 7 years ago.

Congratulations to all of you. I am glad I had a chance to be a part of your journey.

Anyhow, the next Ironman is in the UK.
I am next in line.
4 weeks to go.
I feel so ready for this.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Wizards are everywhere.

As I returned home last night from a bike ride I found my street filled with wizards and other magicians. The book store (Macs Backs) below my Apt. was having a midnight sale of the Harry Potter book. The whole neighborhood was in on the party, 'cept for me and all the local weidos.

Living our lives in a fairly sureal fashion and being part of the constant freak show that is Coventry, we are used to seeing odd things. Last night however was something none of us were prepared for. A line of over 3 hundred people waiting to purchase a BOOK from a little neighborhood used bookshop.

The costumes being worn by the Potter fans were not to distant from local fashion. The round glasses and wands were nothing beyond our imaginations. The interest in a book however....

Freaked us out.

This was not the latest video game release. No rockstars were involved. Lebron James was not eating at Tommy's. No pre Ironman USA registration. No, it was a huge block party to celebrate a new book.

This gives me hope.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


While training for big races I come up with little mantras that seem to become my theme for the race.

1st marathon."My feet can't fail me now" in a dixieland chant.
1st Half IM "I believe in my training"
IM "What else would I rather be doing"

Got any of your own?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Good company

It kind of freaks me out to know that I am 2 weeks to my taper in Ironman training. I am so grateful at the end of each workout for my health.

My final weekend of the build is a 2 loop bike down, around and back up eagles mere mountain in eastern PA. My family has been vacationing atop the mountain in Sullivan county for 4 generations. I think there will be lots of family. I will most likely say "how are ya?", climb on my bike and vanish down the mountain into worlds end park. Following a five mile run around the lake, I will return to the cottage(The Cozy Den) to eat what ever my mom brought from the many farmers markets along the way. Hope the knees are up to many plums and sweetcorn. I will also consume a beer.

The next day I will coax one of my sisters into a canoe escort for a lake swim. And maybe I can see if an uncle, cousin, and sister are up for an easy run around the lake....That is my plan.

Today Bbop picked me up from work and we headed out to mentor to swim in the waves. We did 3 sets of 4 buoys and it took 39 minutes. We are calling it 1200 yards. After that we headed out onto the GCT course for a loop. I was a bit stiff following yesterday's Emerald Necklace ride. Towards the end of the loop I hammered back to the beach. I felt strong. We had a good easy day. I now know what an quick 24 miles is. That is when you ride with good company the day after a solo 89 mile ride.

The workout load has been just a matter of doing it. No workout has been epic or the oft mentioned hell day. I have had those during marathon training. But so far, the foundation I have already laid is solid. I am recovering quickly from hard workouts. My nutrition has been on the money and still completely vegan.

That said, I am two weeks away from a having a zillian questions for every IM vet I know. With LP a week away, I will have a few more vets to question. Good luck to all of you on your way to the starting line. I am rooting for ya.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Let it rain.

As my training goes into full gear, so does the summers heat.
I had such a dilema yesterday. I wanted a couple of hours to swim to and fro. I also wanted the front to deliver us from the near century point of the thermometer.
As I headed home on Old Grey, I could sense a possible storm brewing. Trouble was, thunder would negate my ability to swim. I took a shot at it and decided I would just swim till the gaurds cleared the pool. 4250 yrs late I was finished. Thats the IM swim. I think I put more effort into last years GCT swim of 1.2 miles or so.

Anyhow, I left the pool and still no storm. I had dinner, watched the All Star game and went to bed. The game was a good one. I am liking baseball alot this year. Early post IM plans include enjoying a penet race. Detroit is such a natural rivalry.

Opps, I am supposed to talk about this impending hurricane that is getting ready to blow through Cleveland. We enjoyed a lite rain this morning, but the ground is still very dry. The air temps are much more comfortable. I was able to get two quality workouts in this evening.

My confidence is high right now. I feel like I am moving at a very steady pace.I know that I can do the training ahead. The trick will be in walking the highwire and not getting injured or slipping into overtraining.

I think I can afford to register for Wisc. for '08. I will know if this is something I want to do by the time registration becomes available.

Tomorrow I have a 1:50 run planned. Temps are at least a bit cooler now. Sunday I killed two fuelbelt flasks of powerade in 45 minutes.
It was good to see a little rain today.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Life imitates fiction

This morning I looked like this.
When I saw this Frazz strip a couple weeks back I thought for sure that Jeff Mallet had based frazz on my life. At first it was the songwriter/triathlete. Than the pattern tan.

So, today I went to the pool and decided I would relax after my swim. I read Mallet's column in INSIDE TRIATHLON and caught some rays.

Now I look like this.

Ouch...please don't slap my back tomorrow.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

seventyseven miles on this July 7th of 07

That is if you include my 2 walks to the market.

I went for a 75 miler today followed by a 2 mile run. I headed out to Rocky River and rode to the Spring/Fall Classic turn around and back again.

The roads in Lakewood are horrible. I don't know how the cyclist out there do it. My neck is sore from the bad pavement. I don't know how many wedding parties I had to dodge. Along my route was The Art Museum, the Rock Hall, The view at Edgewater,.....You get the picture. I had my bad driver'dar on high today. I felt a bit queezy after the run. If this is my worst training day, I will consider that a victory.

While in Lakewood I rode past a Mcdonald's. The place was swarming with TV News circus wagons. It had been roped off with police tape. The windows were covered with plastic. Turns out an employee had been murdered earlier in the day...I would make the timeless Mcdonald's is bad for you jokes.
However, I feel badly for his family.

July is my big volume month. Everything is built around 4 big days a week.
Basic Idea:

Tues- Big swim
Thurs- Big run
Sat-Big bike
Mon- Big rest

I also plan to be a hermit this month. If I could relocate, I would. But I can't. If you would like to see me, let's plan a work out or come to Rocco's. Aside from that I will be here in blog land.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Photo's from The Mountaineer

Max called shotgun. Very hard to say in dog speak.

I am playing a little mandolin

Camp Trifolk(NO SKEETTERS)

An evening concert in the hills

5 miles to go

It has been a long day for Zac.
Max stops in for some gatorade at the 4 mile mark

The Swim

They give you a medal for being almost last?

Nichole having a Jerry Bear themed birthday

Morgantowns favorite son

Heading Home

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Mountaineer race recap

The Mountaineer Half/International distance Triathlon is in its third year. The Race is a USAT Nationals qualifier. HFP puts on this race.

We headed south for Morgantown, West Virginia at noon on Saturday. I had reserved us a pair of tent sites. Our friends Aren and Kate were meeting up with us, so they checked into camp. I had to get my race pack and check my bike in at transition. So Zac, Nichole and I Went to the race site to take care of that. Every thing ran smoothly and we headed into camp at 7PM set up our tents and headed for the concert that was advertised in the camp web site.
The campgrounds were a stroke of dumb luck on my part. Zac and Nichole were running behind in the morning. I had time to look up a site and reserve it. When I found Chestnut Ridge I knew it was a fit because they had 2 side by side tent only sites available, they allowed dogs, and they had music with a bluegrass duo called the Weedhawks. The songs included titles like "The Land lord has Hill Billies Workin' on the House", "I Hate Nascar", and"Drugs Aren't for Everyone, Drugs Aren't Cheap". The music was fun.
After the music we went back to camp and ate rice, beans, and fruit. We sat by the fire for a bit and by 11pm I was in bed.

At 5am I woke up and got dressed. Zac and I drove to the race site. The morning was amazing as a fog hung low in the mountains. The moon was full and sunrise was majestic. I ate a banana, 2 Lara bars and had some powerade.
I got into transition, set up my stuff, got my chip, body marked and set off in search of coffee. The desk people at the host hotel gave me a cup. It was good.
I headed back to transition and found other CTCers getting ready for the race. I chatted, used the toilet and headed to the Monongahela river. I put on the wet suit it felt fine I jumped into the river joined my wave. Jack from CTC and I talked in the water for a moment and the horn sounded. We were off.

The swim course is rectangular with no current do to the city damming the river for the race. The swim felt effortless. Not particularly fast, but without any major work as used to be my swim. I struggled to feel stretched out in the new wet suit. it was fine though. I do prefer the sleeveless.
My time was 39:32
After being pulled onto the dock I ran to the river walk and peeled off my wetsuit. That didn't go well. I couldn't get it off my foot. Once I did I ran 250 yards to T1 located inside a parking garage. I got out in 5 minutes. The wet suit cost me moments.

The Bike was a double loop through WV coal country. Picturesque. The course was not as hilly as the GCT (greater Cleveland Triathlon)course. It was rough in sections. My goal was food. I ate bananas and cliff blocks. I also drank lots of sports drink.
I had one mishap with my "rinse bottle". I dropped it while attempting to rinse my leg off. I stopped and retrieved it. I had no desire to continue with pee on my leg.
I spent most of the second loop riding with another CTC athlete named Chris. Good luck at LP Chris.
The bike went by quickly and I was not feeling taxed. Time 3:08.03.
T2 I saw Nichole, put on socks and the other gear. I approached the rack from the wrong end and had to run around it to get at my gear. I was out in 2:43.

The run began on a riverside multi use trail. I saw Rob Reddy and stopped to use the lew. After exiting the john I decided to chase Rob down. Big mistake. He was into his second loop and picking up steam. I would not catch him before I would decide that miles 1-3 were way to fast. At mile 4 you head up a VERY steep hill. At the base stood a guy in a devil suit. I trotted up the hill and passed many. It did slow me down however.
The course was a double loop. I mostly ran and had fun. I told jokes, experimented with different foods, and encouraged runners that were struggling around me. I was fine and ran in comfort. The trifolk gang and Max the dog were having lunch along the course. I thought I had a chance to break 6hrs at the start of the run, however the hilly section changed that plan. Run time, 2:07. 44.
Lesson learned, don't try to chase down friends at the start of the run. I never suffered, but I couldn't crank it up a notch.
I ate oreo's powergel, ecaps, infinit and water.
Final time 6:03.01 PR! 36 minute improvement(GCT was long last year do to flood damage/so it does not count).

Summary: HFP and Morgantown put on a great race. I plan to return, and I recommend the race to anyone.
Physically and mentally I am where I want to be.
The weather was perfect. My friends both CTC and trifolks are great. The whole experience was positive.

Next up:

Time to build an Ironman!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

We had a great weekend

The Mountaineer was a blast.
I am tired.
I will post a full recap tomorrow.