Sunday, June 17, 2007

Photo's from Maumee Bay

Camp Trifolk

Zac and Nicholle riding in the VW Van. Vincent Vanagon is what Zac calls it.

The Race

Nuclear fear humor
Zac quote "We need fresh water more than we need Nuclear energy".
What is the long term plan for these things?


Jen said...

The Pigman took place right next to a nuclear power plant, too... Weird. I hope you didn't go into T1 with an extra toe or eye or anything ;-) Looks like you had a strong race! Can't wait to read the full report...

B Bop said...

My understanding is that the "short term" solution is to store the nuclear waste in "secure" facilities in the middle of the ocean. This is what they have done so far.

There, currently, is no long term plan. The "best" plan (according to the "experts") thus far is to bury the waste deep in the ground in the desert where the "ground is very stable." The Yucca Mountain debate has been going on for years over this solution.

As far as what to do with the energy facilities after production ceases I have no idea what they plan to do. I think it is really less of a concern than what to do with all the waste. What a mess!!

The half life of Uranium is approx. 4.5 billion years, meaning that in 4.5 billion years we will only have to worry about what to do with the remaining one half of waste produced. My theory is let's just wait a few billion years and then figure it out!??Sounds like a great way to produce energy, no??