Sunday, April 15, 2007

"All the true things I am about to tell you are all shameless lies,"

Finding meaning in an otherwise meaningless world. This was the goal of Bokonism, the religion described in Kurt Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle".

I use races in the same way. Not that I don't see all of the benifits in living a triathletes lifestyle.

I make a lot of positive decisions to attain the title IRONMAN. The goal of a medallion and a finishers shirt gets me out of bed on sunday at 6:30 for a swim.

Somewhere along the way good things start to happen. I start getting up at 6:30 am because I enjoy the folks that are at Oberlin every other Sunday. I look forward to the conversations with friends that I would never have met had I not been doing triathlon. I look forward to a focused and structured workout .

The people at the workout are goal oriented for the sake of the process. The reward is unexplainable. In a world that sometimes feels so out of control with greed. A triathlete works to get better because healthy people want to succeed. A healthy community wants everyone in the community to succeed. Our reward exist deep within. When we do well, we know our reward. When we see others around us do well we share in the celebration of each others accomplishments.

In my journey to a meaningless race I find many answers to life's questions. I come to understand what hurts me. I come to see what creates suffering in me. What makes me weak and steals my health.

This journey has shown me how to overcome my weaknesses. How to walk away from destructive habits. How to recognize problems and work to rectify them.
My training has shown me the value of rest. Real rest. Rest is when we heal.

Through my training I become a better person every day.

I don't really see any great meaning in a race.
The meaning I find is found along the way.
The promised land is not a destination. The promised land is happening RIGHT NOW.

So long Kurt. Your stories have shaped much of my thought. I raise my feet to you.


B Bop said...

Wow Charlie, I thought the last post hit home until i read this one. Your insight is perfect. I don't read much fiction, but have been thinking about Vonnegut for the last year or so, and may find myself at the bookstore this afternoon; I think I need to educate myself on Ice-9.

Jen said...

I love, love, love Kurt Vonnegut. Bluebeard is my favorite.

You're really kicking up your workouts! I love being able to check out your training logs to see what IM training looks like. Makes me think that maybe... one day... hee, hee. I might have to try it!