What would Zeus dream of on the night before Christmas? What would the supreme god look forward to on the day we celebrate the birth of Christ, the king of kings?
Zeus is not forgotten. We still hold the Olympic games. The games that were created in his honor. An event that brings the nations of the world together in peaceful competition.
Zeus's impact is still present in our modern world.
The Zeus I speak of this night before Christmas is a big black Labrador retriever. Zeus is ten now, but still a big puppy.
On Christmas morning Zeus gets to go for a run with his old running buddy. For Zeus there is nothing greater than that.
Every year I head over to my folks house before everyone else and take my old training partner out for a jog round Shaker lakes. He knows it's coming. He knows the sound of running cloths. He starts dancing about and making crazy wookie moans in anticipation. His big powerful tail starts churning like a machine. If you get in the way of Zeus's tail before a run, you will surely come away with a bruise. Zeus loves to run, and Christmas Morning he gets to run.
The first quarter mile he pulls in excitement. After that he settles into my pace and we just run with the occasional male dog pit stop.
Zeus and I would run together daily while I was in school. We trained for 3 marathons together. He later adapted to my little sister Susie's run style.
He doesn't have a running partner these day sans the occasional drop-in by Susie or I.
I know he misses it. He bellowed in anticipation this evening at dinner.
All Zeus wants this Christmas is to run.
Who could blame him?.
Hope you all have as Merry a Christmas as Zeus.
Merry Christmas Zeus! And Charlie!
I love taking my dog out for a run every once in awhile. She just loves it!
This is excellent!!
Hi everybody,
My name is Eva, I am 41 yrs old, living in Scottsdale, AZ.
I'd love to make good close friends here.
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