Thursday, November 02, 2006

Peace Action

I stood on the porch of the Quaker meeting house watching the light flurries build into a full blown winter snowstorm. Beneath the street light at the end of Magnolia, snow showers seemed to be crashing and flowing in every direction possible. The cold bare grass quickly faded into a blanket of snow.
I also was covered in snow. I was cold and I didn't think the others were going to show up. We did have an events committee meeting planned. Didn't we? Well in any event, I have furfilled my service to the peace movement today.
I started walking back across the Case campus toward Euclid to catch the bus back up the hill. The snow was heavy. It is November 2nd, and it's snowing. "Boy am I glad it is not raining" I thought. "When I get to the bus stop I am stopping at Star*ucks and getting a soy coco."
A SOY COCO! Yeah, soy. As abruptly as the change of season, I have changed my diet. For the past month I have been following a vegan diet.
The first two weeks I allowed a couple of meals that included chicken and fish. Since then I have been living on a diet that is animal free. I maintain a can of clams and a can of tuna in the cupboard. I am going to continue to eat clams as a treat from time to time.

Why Vegan?
A month ago I was talking to a CTC friend Brian during a bike ride. Brian was strongly considering a vegetarian diet. He was having issues with the meat industry and its lack of humanity. His concerns were very real and honest. I couldn't help but to agree with him. I couldn't help but to realize that my life style was built around convenience. My diet had no disaplin. I had completely lost all mindfulness to myself and the world around me. It was time to change.
I choose vegan because it forces me to investigate every thing that I eat. My current diet forces me to prepare most of my food from scratch. When I eat out, I ask questions.
I know what I am eating.
My new diet is consistant with my cause of peace. I believe killing is wrong. I believe in protecting life. I choose this diet to realize my ideal of peace and compassion.
My disaplin is in triathlon. My goal is Ironman. My diet has to be true to that goal.
How do I feel?
I am loosing weight and getting stronger. Hypoglycimia has not been an issue at all. I no longer have cravings for sweets. My conscience is clear. I am a bit gassy.
I am saving money, I am cooking often. raw fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds are great snack at any time.
I haveTommy's downstairs. The food co-op is close. It is easy to eat at work. Being vegan is not hard.
I am very happy with my new path.
I am on the board for Cleveland Peace Action, but if I do not act in peace with every step than I can not expect the rest of the world to act in peace. My work toward the goal of peace is for not if my life is not a peaceful one. This begins with my diet.


Jodi said...

I am so with you! If you need any more reasons to stick with the diet I highly recommend picking up The China Study.
I have been amazed how easy it has been to lose extra body fat. I feel like I'm eating constantly! I have a great granola recipe if you're interested.
And, um, I'm also with ya on the gassy part...


JenC said...

Wow, you two gassy people are really selling this! : ) I'm trying to get rid of the processed foods and am attempting to eat fish, but I probably won't be giving up land meat yet. Besides, Matt would probably kill me - he's the cook in the house.