Charlie Mosbrook shares his training and racing experience. In 2007 and 2008 Charlie completed the Ironman Triathlon. In 2010 Charlie suffered a life changing spinal cord injury leaving him partially paralyzed from the chest down. Through support from the Challenged Athlete Foundation, he now has his goals set on returning to Ironman competition as a wheelchair athlete.
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
A week after my final race of 2006 seems like an appropriate time to begin my blog. I spent this season feeling strong, being knocked to the ground, being absolute about my future and left wondering where I am going.
My races were :
Spring Classic 13.1-Training day- little cold. Feeling heavy, time to give up General tso's Chicken.
Cleveland Marathon-Rain, Sunshine, Wind. Finish under 5. Sheila(My running partner who has recently moved to Denver for school) did her 1st 26.2. I did my 6th
Maumee Bay-Zac, Nichole ( my crew...My friends)and I camped. Great park. Windy bike course. I felt good.
Bay Days 5 mile-Steamy July 4th. Planned bike ride to the race was scraped due to thunder and rain. a new CTC(Cleveland Tri Club) friend Jody drove- Decent race. Got a good ride in later in the day.
Ashtabula- I love this race. I had a personal best on this course. Haven't PR'd much lately. Met more CTC folks.
Cleveland Triathlon- I volunteered for this one. What a blast. I plan to schedule 1 volunteer gig every season now.
The Fairport Harbor Lighthouse Triathlon- Sheila's 1st. I had a good race. My mom called as I cleaned up my gear to tell me that a close childhood friend named Matt Kirman had passed away.
Greater Cleveland Triathlon 1/2-The course was lengthened and moved due to flooding. I PR. Great day. I hitched a ride once again with Jody. She wins hardware!
Greatlakes escape-Allergies, No sleep, swim cancelled, strong winds. I love this sport. It is so unpredictable. Spent the race chasing Jody...She is so fast in transition....and she is a good athlete. Zac, Nichole, Max(Z and N's dog) and I camp at the park. Had pre race Irish food in port Clinton while watching OSU stomp Texas. Zac got tested for DUI after swerving to miss a muskrat. No problem. He wasn't drunk. We got an escort back to camp.
IM Wisconsin registration- I treated this as a race. I was prepared. but I made an online entry error and got shut out. Very disappointing.
Also, I crashed my bike in a rainstorm while riding to work in late August. Little skin and soreness.
So now my plan is to sign up for an Ironman race for next summer and start living like an Ironman.
More Sleep, better diet, ride, ride, ride, swim and run.
Zac and Nichol want to come with. UK 8/21/07 looks best. The race takes place within a castle grounds. camping is available on site. and airfare is reasonable.
Nice France 6/17/07 will cost much more and is early in the season. It is the south of France on the Med. Lots of Triathlon history.
FLA 11/05/07- Local. other Cleveland Tri Club members. Late in season. Jen(my former fiance) did this one. FLA does not excite me.
Anyhow I am holding out for Ironman UK to open registration.
Untill then...Peace